Allez Sprint Frameset
Allez Sprint Frameset
Part No.: 70021-7449
We took every innovation and insight learned developing the Tarmac SL7 and rebuilt it from alloy with our Smartweld technology to create the all-new Allez Sprint. Whether chasing a National title or attacking your buddies 15 minutes into an “ea... Read More
我們利用在開發 T... Read More

Allez Sprint Frameset
We took every innovation and insight learned developing the Tarmac SL7 and rebuilt it from alloy with our Smartweld technology to create the all-new Allez Sprint. Whether chasing a National title or attacking your buddies 15 minutes into an “easy” Sunday spin, we won’t be offended if you mistake the Allez for a Tarmac SL7. Some may call it a carbon copy, we call it the World’s First Alloy Super Bike.
Ready to make your dream alloy super bike a reality? Start with the all-new Allez Sprint Frameset. Equipped with a Tarmac SL7 FACT carbon fork and seatpost, it’s compatible with both aero and traditional stems and bars, electronic and mechanical drivetrains, and features a no-fuss threaded bottom bracket. The rest is up to you.
- The Allez Sprint is the fastest alloy road bike in history, thanks to the time its sibling, the Tarmac SL7, spent in the wind. It’s details like the most complex alloy head tube we’ve ever made and integrated cables that make it 41 seconds faster over 40km than the previous Allez Sprint. That’s a hell of a facelift. With 41 seconds, you’d have a podium picture in your Insta feed, just saying.
- Whether you’re launching a sprint out of the final corner or attacking from the gun like a young Italian at the Giro, the Allez Sprint, with its one-piece bottom bracket and downtube, delivers the ruthless efficiency of alloy with unprecedented stability. By balancing power at the pedals with input at the bars, the Allez Sprint keeps you fast and confident on the limit.
- Dive for the winning gap, bang elbows in the final meters, dissect the most technical descents, all without feeling like you’ve gone ten rounds with the heavyweight champ. Dropped seat stays, and the Tarmac SL7’s carbon seat post and fork make the Allez Sprint supple in the saddle and precise at the bars—all with Tarmac SL7's World Championship-proven geometry. It’s as comfy as it is beautiful. Well, almost.
- One innovation over any other helps us deliver the new Allez Sprint’s aerodynamics, power transfer, and handling—Smartweld. Making the fastest bikes in the world out of carbon wasn’t hard enough. We hydroformed the bottom bracket and down tube from a single piece of alloy, built our most complex alloy head tube ever, and then put it all together with Smartweld. It’s what makes the Allez Sprint the first alloy super bike.
我們利用在開發 Tarmac SL7時所學到的每一項創新與洞察,並藉由我們的 Smartweld技術,以鋁合金重新打造,創造出全新的 Allez Sprint。無論是角逐全國冠軍,還是在周日大家所謂“輕鬆騎”的15分鐘後就對您的騎乘伙伴發起攻擊…如果您錯把這部 Allez誤認為是 Tarmac SL7,我們一點都不會感到意外。有些人可能把他說成是碳纖維的複製版,而我們將它稱為世界首輛鋁合金超跑級自行車。
準備好讓您夢想中的鋁合金超跑級自行車成為現實了嗎?那就從全新的 Allez Sprint車架開始。配備 Tarmac SL7 FACT碳纖前叉與座桿,車架組與空力和傳統的龍頭和把手、電子和機械傳動系統都相容。並配備了方便的螺牙式五通。 剩下的就看你了。
- Allez Sprint是歷史上最快的鋁合金公路車,這歸功於它的兄弟 Tarmac SL7對抗風阻所創下的時間記錄。在車架細節中,它的頭管是我們製造過最複雜的鋁合金頭管,加上整合式的走線,讓它在 40公里內的時間比前一代的 Allez Sprint快了 41秒。這真是一次大翻新。快了 41秒,您在 IG動態上就多了一張凸台照片,這是毫無疑問的。
- 無論您是在最後一個彎道衝刺,還是像環義的年輕義大利車手一樣,在開跑槍響就發起攻擊,Allez Sprint以一體式五通與下管,在前所未有的穩定下,提供了鋁合金頂尖毫無保留的效率。 Allez Sprint藉由平衡踏板上的踩踏力量與把手上的力量,讓您在極限狀態下保持高速與自信。
- 壓低騎姿拉開距離、在最後一米擠開對手、殺下最需技巧的下坡,所有這些都不會讓你覺得已經和重量級冠軍對戰了十輪。降低的後上叉,加上 Tarmac SL7的碳纖座桿與前叉,使Allez Sprint騎乘流暢敏捷,且擁有精確操控-這一切所有都採用了 Tarmac SL7經世錦賽實戰的幾何設計,舒適度就像其外型一樣出眾。嗯,幾乎是了。
- 這是一項獨特的創新技術,幫助我們賦予全新世代 Allez Sprint空氣動力學、動力傳遞與操控性優勢-這就是Smartweld技術。用碳纖製造世界上最快的自行車還不算困難。我們持續創新挑戰,以一塊鋁合金液壓成型五通和下管、製造出我們有史以來最複雜的鋁合金頭管,然後再以 Smartweld技術將它們焊在一起。這就是讓Allez Sprint成為世界首輛鋁合金超跑級自行車的原因。
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