S-Works Shiv Disc
S-Works Shiv Disc
Part No.: 97421-0101
Sold Out NT$420,000.00
We've never been ones for dogmatic rules. And with a little defiance of the UCI's rule book, the Shiv sets the new standard for speed—again. It keeps its aero, fuel, and fit focus, but does so in an entirely new and novel way. Yes, it has disc ... Read More
我们从不是墨守陈规的,所以打破了UCI规则的Shiv再次成就速度的新高度。它专注于破风,补给与贴合,并且以一个全新的高度实现。是的,它有碟刹。是的,带它旅行很容易。是的,它利用储物与贴合特性,提升了空气动力学高度,让您更快。如果有一款车将帮助您在这个赛季站上领奖台的顶端,那就是Shiv Disc
为了确保它“开箱即可上场”,我们为S-Works Shiv Disc配备了高端的零件。Shimano Dura-Ace Di2,带液压碟刹,负责变速与刹车任务。我们的S-Work... Read More

S-Works Shiv Disc
We've never been ones for dogmatic rules. And with a little defiance of the UCI's rule book, the Shiv sets the new standard for speed—again. It keeps its aero, fuel, and fit focus, but does so in an entirely new and novel way. Yes, it has disc brakes. Yes, it's easy to travel with. And yes, it takes aero to unheard of heights using storage and fit features that also make you faster. There's only one bike that's going to help get you to the top of the podium this season and that's the Shiv Disc.
To ensure that it's "race-ready, right out of the box," we've spec'd the S-Works Shiv Disc with only the top components. Shimano's Dura-Ace Di2 with hydraulic disc brakes is in charge of both shifting and braking duties. Our S-Works Power Cranks, meanwhile, provide you with all the power data you'd ever need. And for the rolling stock, the Roval CLX 64 Disc wheels are not only extremely aerodynamic, but they're far lighter than any other wheels in their class.
Pro Tip: Use our Shiv Finder to determine the proper Shiv size for you.
- The incredibly aerodynamic, crosswind-optimized, and non-UCI-legal FACT carbon frame features all the details you’ve asked for. It’s packable, adjustable, has our Hydration and Nutrition Fuelcell systems, and it makes it easy to find your perfect fit. Compared to the fastest 2011 Shiv setup possible (Fuelcell, slammed bars, clean cable routing, BTA bottle), the Shiv Disc is nearly a minute faster over the Kona course. With a more typical Shiv setup, the Shiv Disc is faster by minutes—plural. So, no matter how much you need to carry, you’re sure to have the fastest setup come race day.
- What was that about storage? Just like with the original Shiv, the Shiv Disc features both Hydration and Nutrition Fuelcell storage options, but we didn't simply reuse them. Instead, we designed them from the ground up. We moved the Hydration Fuelcell from inside the frame to the rear of the bike. Now, it's entirely hidden within the frame (even the hydration hose), which not only allows for more fluid capacity, but it also helps with aerodynamics. The Nutrition Fuelcell utilizes the additional volume created by the "New Shape of Speed" for the down tube, and this creates plenty of room for snacks. How many snacks? 10-12 gels, 4-5 bars, or 5-6 chews fit with ease, and it can also be removed to easily access the Shimano Di2 A-Junction Box or a flat repair kit.
- We also made sure that the Shiv is plenty adjustable for you to dial-in your fit. The frame comes in four different sizes that are based on over 1,000 Retül fits with actual athletes, all to ensure that your ideal fit is achievable. Our Shiv Finder tool makes it easy to determine your size based on your current position, so getting your most powerful aerodynamic position is easily achievable.
- Adjustability was also high on the list for the aerobars, extensions, and arm pads, so the cockpit is adjustable on nearly every access. Need more or less base bar stack? Simply loosen a single bolt on each side and tilt it up or down. The aerobars, themselves, also offer plenty of adjustability—fore, aft, and pad width, all with aggressive and relaxed positions in mind. An added bonus of this adjustability is the ease of travel. All you have to do is fold the base bar down to the fork, unbolt the cockpit, and your Shiv is ready for the bike box. We couldn't make it any easier.
我们从不是墨守陈规的,所以打破了UCI规则的Shiv再次成就速度的新高度。它专注于破风,补给与贴合,并且以一个全新的高度实现。是的,它有碟刹。是的,带它旅行很容易。是的,它利用储物与贴合特性,提升了空气动力学高度,让您更快。如果有一款车将帮助您在这个赛季站上领奖台的顶端,那就是Shiv Disc
为了确保它“开箱即可上场”,我们为S-Works Shiv Disc配备了高端的零件。Shimano Dura-Ace Di2,带液压碟刹,负责变速与刹车任务。我们的S-Works功率曲柄同时为您提供您所需的各种数据。它不仅重量轻盈,而且精度高达+/-1.5%。轮组方面采用了Roval Rapide CLX轮组,不仅相当破风,还比同级别轮组要轻不少。
- FACT碳纤维车架惊人破风,经过侧风优化,不符合UCI规则,它拥有各种您想要的细节。它方便打包,可调,拥有我们方便补水和补充营养的Fuelcell收纳系统,并且让您更容易获得更好的贴合。新的“速度造型”哲学围绕空气动力学、重量和刚性优化了每一根管型。而这带来了无需妥协速度的功能整合。
- 那么储物呢?就像初代Shiv一样,Shiv Disc也拥有用于储水和收纳补给的Fuelcell储物选项,但我们并没有简单地用旧的设计,而是重新进行了设计。我们将储水的Fuelcell从车架中移到了车辆的后部。现在它完全隐藏在车架内(即使水管也是),不仅带来了更大的容量,还提升了气动性能。补给Fuelcell利用了下管“速度新型”的设计的额外空间,带来了大量收纳点心的空间。能带多少?轻松容纳10-12支能量胶,4-5支能量棒,或者5-6个咀嚼片。它还能拆掉,以方便安装Shimano Di2 A型连接件或者补胎工具包。
- 我们还确保了Shiv拥有充分的可调性能,让您获得适合自己的贴合。车架拥有四个不同的尺码,来源于超过1000例真实运动员的Retül调适数据,确保适合您的贴合能够实现。
- 气动把,休息把和衬垫的可调性也是重点。这样操控部件几乎在各个方面都可调。需要更高或更低的车把堆高?只需要简单地拧松每侧一颗螺丝,就可以让它上翘或下斜。气动把本身也有很好的可调性——前后,衬垫宽度,既考虑了激进的骑行姿态,也考虑了放松的骑行姿态。在这样的可调性之外它还很容易携带旅行。您只需要将车把折向前叉,拆掉操控部件,您的Shiv就可以装箱了。已经很难做到比这方便了。
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